Page 19

  Paul Gress with (from left to right) Toni Molina Romas, Dotty Korosh Juell, and (back to camera) Dale Krakow Rothfeld. In the background, at the next table, you can see Alexis Weisman and Sandy Cohen.



Paul then heads over to say hello to Alexis and Amy Lubow





Eileen Marder-Mirman (r.) with Risa Sugarman Bellach and ... ... with Celia Felsher and Lee Silverstone, and ...

... with Celia Felsher and Lee Silverstone.





Two drinks, Gerry? Really? What's that, you just retired the day

before? In that case, make it three! In the next newsletter, Gerry

Gaffen Alterbaum (shown here with Marna Ludwig Moseson)

will tell us all about life as a retiree.


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