Page 18


And the winners were [drum roll, maestro!]: Cynthia Greenberg

Giusti, Michael Lewis, and Anne Mansberger Bachteler. Thanks

to Catherine Banner for a job well done. Speaking of jobs, Vanna

White will probably be ready to retire in about ten years, so ...


Following the first raffle, it was time for dinner. From left to right,

we have raffle winner Cynthia, sitting with Toni Molina Romas,

Dotty Korosh Juell, and Gerry Gaffen Alterbaum.





Robert Banner chatting with Phil Gress and Laura Polo. 


From right to left, Philip, Patty, and Justin Bashe appear to have encountered a stiff breeze. For the record, ordinarily we lean to the left, not to the right.

















Marna Ludwig Moseson observes the Sabbath, so she was unable to join us until after sundown. Note to self: next time, don't schedule the reunion on the longest day of the year. Pick the shortest. (Although, just watch: that'll turn out to be Chanukah.) Here she is with her good friend Ellen Weinstein (above) and, at right, with Michael Lewis.
























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