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In addition to the $100 prize drawing, held late in the party, three hourly drawings offered a prize that no amount of money could rival: the chance

to be eighteen again, at least for an hour. As Phil noted, the Homestead was just five minutes down the road from Bayville Beach, the premiere makeout spot for Jericho teenagers.


Every reunion attendee received this CD, Senior Soundtrack: Background Noise from Your Final Year at JHS, containing twenty songs from that time.

Just pop the CD into your CD player or your 8-track, let it blast while you're driving to the beach, and you've already set the mood. Now reach into the

backseat and pull out ...


I'd hoped to give away bottles of Boone's Farm apple wine, but although it is still manufactured (selling for $4.95 per bottle; so what did it cost when

we were pubescents? A nickel?), no reputable liquor store will carry it. So instead, raffle winners received a bottle of Moet and Chandon, even though

champagne was probably way beyond your budget at the time.


Best of all, each winner received the following certificate, entitling him or her to one full hour of uninterrupted heavy petting (as Ann Landers

used to refer to it).


Of the approximately forty-five people at the reunion, about two hundred of them were attorneys, and any one of them could have vouched for the document's authenticity, which, as you can see, is duly signed by Bayville Mayor Vernon T. Spazziola, Deputy Mayor Vincent P. Spazziola (his ne'er-do-well older brother), and Assistant Mayor Vernon T. Spazziola Jr.


(How'd I obtain these special permissions? Let's just say that I know people in high places. Strangely enough, they're all window washers or elevator operators.)


So that was the prize: (1) sounds to put you in the "mood"; (2) champagne to put you in the "mood"; and (3) legal permission to act upon your "mood" in a public setting without fear of incarceration.


Phil emptied slips of paper with everybody's name into a box from the late, much-lamented Fortunoff, and Catherine Banner gamely stepped up to pick a name ...









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