Page 15

  Nice shot of Dianne Oliva, the class of 1971's Cindy Rosa Pelzar, and Risa Sugarman Bellach. Cindy had to get up early the next morning to attend her son Jesse's graduation from Jericho High School, but she stayed until the bitter end. "If I have to, I'll go straight to graduation in the same dress," she joked. At least, we think she was joking.



Philip Bashe's wife, Patty, and son, Justin, who helped me set

up. Justin, now twenty, has been helping me on reunions since

the 2002 party in the JHS gymnasium. Thanks, guy! 




  Mark Albin and Anne Mansberger Bachteler (who was also at Frank's—er, Angelino's—the night before), check out the display at the back of the room. A full wall of New York Times front pages traced your senior year, from the Attica State prison riots the first week of school, through the Watergate break-in, which occurred one week before we graduated. Cold War tensions? Middle East tensions? Plane hijackings? Mob rub-outs? The first baseball strike? All here. A simpler time? Hardly.  

Now arriving, Paul Gress and his fiancée, Laura Polo. This was

Laura's third JHS reunion in a row. Can't we find her an old varsity

jacket, or something? Such dedication should be rewarded.




  Folks took advantage of the beautiful summer evening by relaxing outside in the outdoor courtyard. Among them, Cindy Rosa Pelzar and Dianne Oliva ...  

... and Mark Albin, Ira Katz, and Jerry Dikowitz.


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