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Current Issue |
Contents: From Yearbook to Facebook: Then-and-now photos of Linda Dalton ('68), Renee Maltz Levin ('69), Lee Sorocca ('70), David Rhodes ('71), Michael Leshin ('72), Cathy Cardinale Strauss ('73), Joel Stern ('74), Barbara Blanc Sunshine ('75) Catch Up With ... Corey Pepper ('74) Takin Care of Bidness: Jerichonians at Work: Robert Simon ('72) Cartoons by Dan Clurman (72) First Person Singular: Shelley Block ('75) Faculty Lounge: music teacher Mrs. Joan Kupferberg Between the Covers: new books from Bill Reif ('71) and Philip Bashe ('72) Rachel Glickmans New York New York: A girl, a camera, and the greatest city in the world!
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Past Issues
► Issue No. 30, Winter 201516
Contents: From Yearbook to Facebook: Then-and-now photos of Pamela Shufer Eskind (72), Roch Priete (75), Amy Cherry Lowenstein (74), Mary Goldstein Agape (71), Maxine Suchotine Rand (68), Barry London (69), Warren Libutti (70), Lisa Green Kossar (73) Catch Up With ... Dr. Jane Weston ('70) Takin Care of Bidness: Jerichonians at Work: Lisa Frisch (75) Cartoons by Dan Clurman (72) Everything You Wanted to Know About Doug Baumoel (74) Q. and A. with ... Gene Bogart ('69) Faculty Lounge: math teacher Mrs. Judith Broadwin Rachel Glickmans New York New York: A girl, a camera, and the greatest city in the world!
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Contents: From Yearbook to Facebook: Then-and-now photos of Steven Jay Shimberg (71), Dr. Jane Weston (70), Emily Mourgides (72), Barbara Venezia (74), Jill Schiesser Atkinson (73), Marsha Held (72), Frann Tillman (75), Steven Bernstein (72) Nooz About Yooz: Meredith Cohen Roseman (74), Alan Geringer (68), Judy Tulchin Schroff ('68) Catch Up With ... Gerry Gaffen Alterbaum (72) Up from the Crypt: the class of 72s Ilise Zimmermans sixth-grade autograph book Takin Care of Bidness: Jerichonians at Work, Susan Gallo (75) Cartoons by Dan Clurman (72) Everything You Wanted to Know About Bruce Steiner (68), plus sidebar on Keith Steiner (73) JHS Alumni Hall of Fame Turns Twenty-Five, by Mr. Robert Hoffman New Books from Jericho Authors: Ellen Meister (75), Diane Freedman (73), and Leslιa Newman (73) First Person Singular: Dr. John Pellicone (73) Everything You Wanted to Know About Neil Immerman (71) Rachel Glickmans New York New York: A girl, a camera, and the greatest city in the world! |
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Contents: From Yearbook to Facebook: Then-and-now photos of Gary Strudler (73), Cherie West Berk (70), Mark Thierman (69), Neil Immerman (71), Elizabeth Krevat Hijazi (74), Richard Krasner (75), Caryn Ellenbogen Dayney (72), Bruce Steiner (68) .Nooz About Yooz: News about Anne Havrilla (73), and progeny of Elizabeth Stark Perez (72), Denise Federico Russo (75), and Lawrence Friedman (69) .Catch Up With ... Caryn Buchner Coville (74) .Robert Hahn (70): Its All Greek (or Egyptian) to Him .Takin Care of BidnessJerichonians at Work: Steven Levine (69), co-owner with sister Rena Levine Levy ('68) of the WindMill restaurants, a Jersey Shore landmark .History of Jericho: Dick Van Dyke Slept Here! Did you know that the television star once lived in Muttontown, and his kids attended Jericho schools? Patty Ryon Spiers of New Port Richey, Florida, remembers. Her mom, too .Cartoons by Dan Clurman (72) .Back to the Garden: Woodstock. Fred Schlussel ('71), now a physician in Los Angeles, and friend Robert Ehrlich ('72), a Tampa psychologist, reconstruct that famous gathering of the tribes from forty-five years ago .Everything You Wanted to Know About Dolores Dee DScernio Mason (68) Michael Sammis (75): A Talent for Music + A Head for Business = A Life in the Music Business .Faculty Lounge: Photos from a recent Jericho Retirees Association luncheon, of Barbara Murphy, Robert and Nancy Lynch, Art Kramer, Efrim Sherman, Irma Cohen, Gerry Mastellon, more .Rachel Glickmans New York New York: A girl, a camera, and the greatest city in the world!
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► Issue No. 27, Winter-Spring 2013 Contents: Nooz About Yooz: Progeny of Amy Harmon Snodgrass ('72), Jill Harmon ('72), Marna Ludwig Moseson ('72) Cartoons by Dan Clurman ('72) From Yearbook to Facebook: Robert Brown ('72), Paul Bakalis ('70), Donald LoMurro ('69), Carrie Kass Rubin ('73), Dory Berke ('71), Seth Lerner ('73), and Amy Rubin Morey ('72), Conrad Gees ('72) Reunion Update: A Gathering of the Tribes, 4-13-13 Takin' Care of Bidness: Jerichonians at Work: Marjorie Freedman ('73) Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About ... Edward Green ('69) Travelin' ShoesJerichonians Conquer the Globe: Linda Caputo Friedmann ('72) in Antarctica Book 'em, DannoNew Works by Jericho Authors Jon Friedman ('73) and Ellen Meister ('75) The 40th Anniversary of the Watkins Glen Summer Jam Faculty Lounge: Mr. Ray Matienzo Rachel Glickman's New York, New York |
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► Issue No. 26, Winter-Spring 2012
Contents: Nooz About Yooz: Robert Simon ('72), Amy Lubow Downs ('72), Lawrence Friedman ('69), Tribute to Mr. Louis Boroson Cartoons by Dan Clurman ('72) From Yearbook to Facebook: Meryl Cantor Lewis ('72), Bill Piscitello ('69), Cindy Rosa Pelzar ('71), Sharon Lee Sussman Kusek ('72), Michael Milgrom ('71), Roberta Matican Feldman ('73), Gwen Dowsey ('73), Melissa Gordon Yuruckso ('72) Annual Romance Issue: Lori Small Cohan ('73) and Seth Cohan ('73), Beverly Weissman ('72) and Steven Marksohn ('71), Patty Ryon Spiers ('72) and Stephen Spiers ('72), David Kass ('69), Eileen Feirman Fraser ('70), Manon Fielding ('72), Gail Murphy ('71) Faculty Lounge: Mr. Robert Hoffman and Mr. Ira Greene on the current state of education Takin' Care of Bidness: Jerichonians at Work: Ken McLaughlin ('69) Beatles '75: What If the Fab Four Had Stayed Together Another Five Years? A Re-Imagin-ing Rachel Glickman's New York |
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Contents: From Yearbook to Facebook: Nooz About Yooz: Randye Ringler ('73), Evalyn Block Merrick ('71) Cartoons by Dan Clurman ('72) From Yearbook to Facebook: Leslie Axman ('72), Marty Itzkowitz ('71), Raquel Celenza Jobson ('73), David Kass ('69), Kerri Smilowitz Kelly ('70), Philip Zederbaum ('71), Ellen Weinstein ('72), Jeffrey Rathaus ('73) Catch Up With ... David Fiveson ('71) Faculty Lounge: Mr. David Martin Takin' Care of Bidness: Jerichonians at Work: Monica Medica ('73) Q&A with author Ellen Meister ('75) First Person Singular: Sharon Honig Citrin ('70) Everything You Wanted to Know About ... Kathi Blatt Thonet ('69) Tributes to Mr. Emil Voigt and Mrs. Florence Boroson Rachel Glickman's New York
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Contents: Nooz About Yooz: Leslie Brick Horowitz ('73), Twentieth JHS Alumni Hall of Fame Induction Cartoons by Dan Clurman ('72) From Yearbook to Facebook: Michael DiPasquale, Jr. ('72), Valerie Basile Getz ('71), Debra Gelman Krefsky ('72), Ginny Foa Voit ('73), Barry Ruzek ('72), David Rhodes ('71), Marilyn Greif ('73), Jill Schiesser Griffin ('73) Catch Up With ... Annie Koff Abramson ('72) Faculty Lounge: Mr. Ira Greene Takin' Care of Bidness: Jerichonians at Work: Roberta Blond Tropper ('72) "... And Now, for the Youngsters": progeny of Licht Licht ('72) and Philip Bashe ('72) "Everlasting Love!"Six Jericho Couples: Peter Mandelkern ('73) and Joyce Targove Mandelkern ('73); Cynthia Greenberg Guisti ('72) and husband Bob Guisti; Denise Straus Loverro ('73) and husband Steven Loverro; Michael Stebel ('71) and wife Beth Roberts Stebel; Susan Markman Starr ('71) and husband Jan Starr; and Evalyn Block Merrick ('71) and husband Rick Merrick. |
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Contents: Rachel Glickman's New York New York: Replaces "My Back Pages" (2003-2009, R.I.P.). The concept? Simple: a girl, a camera, and the best city in the whole wide world Jericho High School Personals: Gloria Rothstein ('75) and Robbi Goldberg ('72) Reunion Update: You won't believe who's already RSVP'd to October's big party Nooz About Yooz: Karan Bunin Huss ('72) Cartoons by Dan Clurman ('72) From Yearbook to Facebook: Mark Miller ('71), Leslie Schwab ('72), Sue Finch Compton ('71), Debra Cherson ('72), Marc Osit ('73), Paul Corwin ('72), Rochelle Weinstock Rubin ('71), Leslie Stevens Luria ('71), Marjorie Freedman ('73), Barbara Silverblank Eisenstein ('71), Barbara Simpson Carswell ('72), Beth Gerchick Green ('71) Catch Up With ... artist Robbi Goldberg ('72) First Person Singular: Iris Weinstock Shaffer-Hall ('73) and David Goldman ('71) Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About: pastor Anne Havrilla ('73) and Rita Corwin ('71) Faculty Lounge: Mr. Michael Friedman In Tribute: Cheryl Rassell Turoff ('72), by close friend Ellen Rader ('72); memories of Donald Schrager, from Steven Kabatsky ('73), Paul Drucker ('71), Linda Caputo Friedmann ('72), and others Takin' Care of Bidness: Jerichonians at Work: Jerry Moran ('73) "... And Now, for the Youngsters" (Grandkids Edition): Grandprogeny of Arnold Tropper ('72), Virginia Ferrante Cammameri, and Peter Mandelkern ('73) and Joyce Targove Mandelkern ('73).
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► Issue No.
22, Summer 2009
Contents: Cover Story: Pets! Man's (and Woman's) Best Friends. Featuring Daisy (every whim catered to by Ellen Jankowitz Eder, '73), Toby (Amy Lubow Downs, '72), Riley (Bonnie Colgan Kosonovitch, '73), Teddy (Cheryl Goldenberg, '72), Darwin (Diane Freedman, '73), Luna (Debra Schwartz, '71), Randy San Antonio's ('72) trio of exotic pets, and more Nooz About Yooz: Jericho High School Alumni Hall of Fame's 19th induction ceremony, including the class of '73's Robin Bergman; also, Mr. Bob Hoffman, James Greco ('73), Jon Friedman ('73), and Philip Dinhofer ('75). Cartoons by Dan Clurman ('72) From Yearbook to Facebook: vintage (not "old") and current pix of Lori Light ('72), Arnold Holtz ('73), Lori Small Cohan ('73), Ellen Tillman ('71), Alan Abbadangelo ('73), Roslyn Appelbaum ('72), Anne K. Havrilla ('73), and Mitchell Baumoel ('73) Catch Up With ... Caren Kushner Gottesman ('72), now of Cooper City, Florida, and a recent first-time grandma First Person Singular: Dr. Mindy Wertheimer ('72), who just celebrated two 30th anniversaries: her 1978 marriage to the class of '72's Ira Katz and three decades in Atlanta Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About: TV anchorwoman Jan Millner ('71) and, in a twin bill, the class of '73's Beth Stewart and Lisa Stewart Jacobs Faculty Lounge: Check in with one of your fave teachers, junior high school science instructor and track coach, Mr. Jerry Link In Tribute: the class of '73's Deirdre Rasulo, with fond remembrances from friends Randye Ringler ('72), Virgina Ferrante Cammameri ('73) and Laura Sheftman Strafer ('73) Takin' Care of Bidness: Jerichonians at Work: Jane Altvater Duda ('72). Now a resident of Tampa, Florida, she's an intrepid court reporter. Learn how she does it My Back Pages: New CD! Woodstock XXVI.
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► Issue No. 21, Winter-Spring 2009
Contents: Love! Couples That Go Great Together: Fred Schneider ('73) and Laurie Ross Schneider ('73), Jill Greenberg ('72), Carole Etkin-Sincic ('71), Amy Harmon ('72), Bill Reif ('71), Lynn Balaban Chapkin ('73), Joan Beer Damask ('71), Maureen Alles Bifulco ('73) ▪ Nooz About Yooz: Benita Zahn ('72), Sandy Sylvan ('72), Caren Kushner ('72), Kevin Falco ('71), a tribute to Mr. Robert Perna, more ▪ The Dating Game 2.0, by Cathy Morway ('73) ▪ Cartoons by Dan Clurman ('72) ▪ Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About: Amy Katz ('73) ▪ Faculty Lounge: Catch up with another one of your favorite teachers, Mr. Stanley Katz ▪ Takin' Care of Bidness: business owner Wendy Keavey ('73) ▪ And Now, for the Youngshters: tales of Jericho progeny. This issue, Mark Richardson's ('71) four children ▪ Your Back Pages: Primetime! TV from Your Disaffected Youth. |
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Contents: Jericho Girls Gone Wild! With commentary from Carol Rosenblum Levin, Benita Zahn Stulmaker, Amy Lubow Downs, Wendy Foxmyn, more ▪ Nooz About Yooz: Ilise Zimmerman, Mike Stebel, Ken Kraus, Roy Pollack, Larry Licht, Ellen Meister, Mitchel Forman, Lynne (Margo) Rosenbaum, Bette Edlund, more ▪ First Person Singular: Cheryl Goldenberg ▪ Catch Up With: Dan Clurman ▪ Side Dish: Lorrie Berg ▪ Cartoons by Dan Clurman ▪ Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About: Keith Steiner ▪ Faculty Lounge: Catch up with another one of your favorite teachers, Mr. Alan Arnold ▪ Takin' Care of Bidness: violist Ann Roggen, plus fellow JHS musicians Janet Penn Finklestein, Wendy Foxmyn, Wendy Chin, Helene Millman Runion, Jaclyn Stanger Dinhofer, Gail Murphy, Stephen Molina, Carol Sadowski, Jill Harmon ▪ And Now, for the Youngshters: tales of Jericho progeny. This issue, Janet Penn Finklestein's daughters, Anna and Rachel ▪ Your Back Pages: No. 1 with a Mullet! .
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► Issue No. 19, Spring-Summer 2008
Contents: The eighteenth annual JHS Alumni Hall of Fame induction ceremony ▪ Nooz About Yooz: Ellen Vanderslice ▪ First Person Singular: Michael Osit ▪ New books from Ellen Meister ('75), Philip Bashe, and Felice Mehlman Hodges ▪ In Tribute: Jeffrey Aaron and Keith McNally ▪ Greetings from Carol Sadowski Hawkins ▪ Cartoons by Dan Clurman ▪ Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About: Peter Green and Debra Schwartz ▪ Faculty Lounge: Catch up with another one of your favorite teachers, Mr. Robert Perna ▪ Takin' Care of Bidness: Janice Turtletaub Fagen ▪ Your Back Pages: Test your '60s-'70s Yankees-Mets IQ. |
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► Issue No. 18, Winter 2007-08
Contents: Nooz About Yooz: Ilene Resnick Kruger, Marna Ludwig, Felice Mehlman Hodges, Susan Sugarman Gold, Wanda Baskin Aria, Celia Felsher, Mitchel Forman ('73) ▪ Catch Up With Robin Bergman ('73) ▪ First Person Singular: Beverly Weissman Cogan and Steven Marksohn ('71) ▪ "Jericho True Confessions": Amy Lubow Downs, Diane Russo DeRosa ('73), Lorraine Triggiani Grant ('71), Lori Nelson Shuster, MaryLisa Brennen Noyes ('73), Ellen Vanderslice ('71), Janet Catallo Moorman ('73) ▪ Cartoons by Dan Clurman ▪ Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About: Dennis DiVito ('71) ▪ Faculty Lounge: Catch up with another one of your favorite teachers, Ms. Maureen Tracy ▪ Takin' Care of Bidness: Neil Goldman, corporate recruiter ▪ Six Degrees of Separation: Jane Altvater Duda and Robert Erhlich ▪ Your Back Pages: Fashion Faux Pas.
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Contents: Nooz About Yooz: Randye Ringler, Meredith Ringer ('70), Harvey Fialkov, Mitch Forman, Sanford Sylvan, Jon Carin ('82) ▪ Face to Face: Robert Cohn, Dr. Robert Belkin, Arlene Berrie ▪ Catch Up With Gail Spiegel Cohen ▪ First Person Singular: Lee BloomROSEn ▪ Checking In with the Classes of '71 and '73: profiles of Charles Kopelman ('73), Brian Vanderslice ('73), and Donna Mendelow Manvich ('71) ▪ Faculty Lounge: Catch up with another one of your favorite teachers, Mrs. Gladys Clemmensen ▪ Cartoons by Dan Clurman ▪ Takin' Care of Bidness: Richard Zlattner, goat farmer ▪ Jericho History: The Free School, 1973-74, An Oral History, with Janice Grubin ('74), Lynne Margo Rosenbaum ('74), Diane Freedman ('73), and Mr. Bob Hoffman ▪ Your Back Pages: Teenage Idols: Donny, Davy, Bobby, Sajid, et al. |
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Contents: The seventeenth annual JHS Alumni Hall of Fame induction ceremony ▪ Nooz About Yooz: Cathy Kibel Shriger, Mr. Gerald Link ▪ Face to Face: Jason Starr, Michael Stebel ('71), Dr. Andrew Greenberg ('73) ▪ Catch Up With Roberta Solomon Wolens ▪ First Person Singular: Jim Rudy ▪ Checking In with the Classes of '71 and '73: profiles of Kevin Falco ('71), Diane Freedman ('73), and Gary Strudler ('73) ▪ Faculty Lounge: Catch up with another one of your favorite teachers, English instructor Ms. Joan Kingsley ▪ Cartoons by Dan Clurman ▪ Takin' Care of Bidness: exec Rachel Glickman ▪ Six Degrees of Separation: progeny of Ira Katz and Mindy Wertheimer, and Linda Klinow ▪ Mark Whitehill reports on the spring 1972 class trip to Russia ▪ Your Back Pages: The history of the Smiley Face.
► Issue No. 15, Winter 2006-07 Contents: Reunion Update ▪ Nooz About Yooz: Jim Greco ▪ First Person Singular: Janet McNally's Excellent Everest Adventure ▪ Face to Face: Ken Kalb, Ira Hanan, Stephen Meister, Howard Krasner, Nancy Fuchs ('73), Catherine Chia ('73), Ann Roggen ('71) ▪ Catch Up With Penny Schaefer Stabenfeldt ▪ Checking In with the Classes of '71 and '73: profiles of Lynn Goldman Mathias, Wendy Chin Parise, Ellen Jankowitz Eder ▪ And Now, for the Youngshters: tales of Jericho progeny. This issue, Denise Straus Loverro's daughter, Alyssa ▪ Faculty Lounge: Catch up with another one of your favorite teachers, art instructor Mr. Gaston D'Amato ▪ Cartoons by Dan Clurman ▪ Takin' Care of Bidness: photographer Jay Brenner ▪ Six Degrees of Separation: Jane Altvater Duda and Steven Bernstein ▪ Homeroom Romance: Judy Friedman + Mike Sadick, Lori Small + Seth Cohan, Joyce Targove + Peter Mandelkern, Laurie Ross + Fred Schneider, Audrey Meyers + Scott Agins, Mary-Anne Scro + Paul Martino, Donna Flynn + Rich Kordecki, Jaclyn Stanger + Michael Dinhofer ▪ Letters from Mark Ratner, Melanie Siegel Dolan ▪ Your Back Pages
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Contents: Reunion Update ▪ Friends 4-Ever: Ilene Pincus and Monica Wood Izzo ▪ Nooz About Yooz: Dan Clurman, Debbie Smiley Holtzman ('73), Mark Albin, Mitchel Forman ('73), Karen Goodlerner ('71) ▪ First Person Singular: Harvey Fialkov his story in his own words ▪ Checking In with the Classes of '71 and '73: profiles of Cathy Morway Bloomberg, Joan Baiman Rosenberg, John Innelli ▪ And Now, for the Youngshters: tales of Jericho progeny. This issue, Cathy Kibel Shriger's daughter, Danielle; Linda Appelbaum's daughter, Jess; more ▪ Faculty Lounge: Catch up with another one of your favorite teachers, assistant principal Mr. George Batjiaka ▪ Cartoons by Dan Clurman ▪ History of the Milleridge Inn ▪ Q. & A. with author Leslιa Newman of the class of '73 ▪ Six Degrees of Separation: Ilise Zimmerman, Bonnie Siber Weinstock ('71), Jeff Putterman ▪ The poetry of Spiro Agnew ▪ Your Back Pages: the world around you during first grade, 1960-61
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Contents: Friends 4-Ever: Ilise Zimmerman and Randi Blatt Rossignol, Denise Straus Loverro and Laura Sheftman Strafer ('73), more ▪ Nooz About Yooz: Beverly Weissman and Stephen Marksohn ('71), Michael Lewis, John Cooney, Stephen Meister ▪ JHS Alumni Hall of Fame ▪ Q. & A. with novelist Ellen Meister of the class of '75 ▪ First Person Singular: Celia Felsher her story in her own words ▪ Checking In with the Classes of '71 and '73: profiles of Elizabeth Stark Perez, Mitchel Forman, Dr. Joe Friedlander ▪ And Now, for the Youngshters: tales of Jericho progeny. This issue, Jane Altvater Duda's daughter, Lindsay, and Marna Ludwig Moseson's son, Joshua ▪ Faculty Lounge: Catch up with another one of your favorite teachers, math teacher Ms. Judy Sutcliffe ▪ Cartoons by Dan Clurman ▪ Your Back Pages: the world around you during your third year out of high school, 1974-75
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Contents: Reunion Update: Set aside Saturday, October 6, 2007 for our reunion in 3-D ▪ Catch Up With: Donna Flynn Kordecki and husband Rich Kordecki ('73) ▪ Roll Call: Checking In With the Classes of '71 and '73: profiles of Jon Friedman, Janet Rhoads Leslie, and Pat Franklin Jung ▪ First Person Singular: Benita Zahn Stulmaker her story in her own words ▪ Faculty Lounge: Catch up with another one of your favorite teachers, science teacher turned attorney Mr. Herbert Kramer ▪ Cartoons by Dan Clurman ▪ The Underground Guide to the College of Your Choice (1971): How did your school rate? ▪ And Now, for the Youngshters: tales of Jericho progeny. This issue: Linda Caputo Friedmann's son, Evan, and Randy San Antonio's son, Gian ▪ Original Fiction, "Seasons," by Arlene Brimer Mailing ▪ Your Back Pages: the world around you during third grade, 1962-63
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Contents: Extra! Extra! A wedding announcement! Someone from our class just got engaged to someone from the class of 1971. Turn to page 3 to find out who (whom?) the happy couple is (are?)! ▪ Reunion News: A reunion in 3-D! The classes of 1971 and 1973 will be joining us in a mass 35-year reunion at Milleridge Cottage on Saturday, October 6, 2007 ▪ First Person Singular: Larry Licht and Andrea Celenza Embry. Their stories in their own words ▪ Fond memories of Guy Fils (class of '73), who passed away in October ▪ Boldface Nooz About Yooz: Mark Albin, Laurie Farber, Beverly Weissman Cogan, Ilene Pincus, Dan Friedlander, John Cooney ▪ Six Degrees of Separation, Jericho Division: Further proof that wherever you go, you bump into someone from Jericho. This issue, a chance encounter between Harvey Fialkov and Steven Bernstein; James Greco and a Cantiaque Elementary gym teacher; Elise Goldstein LaPaix tells her story in a new book ▪ Faculty Lounge: Catch up with another one of your favorite teachers, physical-education instructor Mrs. Karen Schwartz ▪ Cartoons by Dan Clurman ▪ Humor contributed by Arnold Tropper ▪ "Dead Man Walking": The 1969 "Paul Is Dead" hoax revisited ▪ And Now, for the Youngshters: tales of Jericho progeny. This issue: Jane Altvater Duda's daughter, Lindsay ▪ Your Back Pages: the world around you during your second year out of high school, 1973-74 |
Contents: 35th Reunion Update: The Vote Is Inn! Milleridge Inn in 2007 ▪ Boldface Nooz About Yooz: Jim Greco, Manon Fielding, Cherrie Fleisher Strauss ▪ First Person Singular: Wendy Foxmyn, Class(y) Individual(ist) ▪ First Person Singular: Jill Harmon, A Twin in the Twin Cities ▪ Faculty Lounge: Mr. Louis Boroson ▪ Cartoons by Dan Clurman ▪ Up From the Crypt: the Harlequin Players' 1971 production of The Crucible, with reflections from Cindy Rosenthal, Ilene Pincus, Michael Leshin, Beth Flanders, and Mr. Stephen Piorkowski ▪ Instamatic Moments: Susan Friedland Cristina's 1970 sweet sixteen ▪ And Now, for the Youngshters: progeny of Penny Schaefer Stabenfeldt ▪ "Do You Remember Rock & Roll Radio?" ▪ Your Back Pages: the world around you one in fifth grade, 19641965. |
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Contents: 35th Reunion Update: Time to Vote ▪ Boldface Nooz About Yooz: Kathy Milner Hartwig ▪ 2005 JHS Hall of Fame Inductees ▪ History: The Origins of the Jericho Jayhawk ▪ First Person Singular: Philip Bashe ─ My Son, My Hero: Raising a Child With Autism ▪ Faculty Lounge: Mr. Paul Hall ▪ Cartoons by Dan Clurman ▪ Up From the Crypt: The March-April 1972 Trip to Italy, with reflections from Jason Starr, Linda Caputo Friedmann, and Susan Friedland Cristina ▪ Instamatic Moments: Debbi Nathel Kazan's pre-prom party ▪ A Tribute to My Brother, by Gary Roney ▪ And Now, for the Youngshters: progeny of Marci Glickman, Patty Ryon Spiers and Stephen Spiers ▪ Your Back Pages: the world around you one year after graduation, 19721973. |
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Contents: Class of 1972 Census ▪ Boldface Nooz About Yooz: Mark Albin, George Ploskas, Janet McNally ▪ First Person Singular: Beth Flanders ▪ Faculty Lounge: Mr. Stephen Piorkowski ▪ Cartoons by Dan Clurman ▪ Up From the Crypt: The March 4, 1972, One Act Play Contest Program, with reflections from Lee Rose, Peter Green (class of '73), and Doug Baumoel (class of '74) ▪ Instamatic Moments: Kathy Milner Hartwig, Girl Scout! ▪ And Now, for the Youngshters: progeny of Gaile Goodgold ▪ Great Moments in Advertising! ▪ You Know You're From Long Island If ... contributed by Marna Ludwig Moseson ▪ Your Back Pages: the world around you during sixth grade, 19651966. |
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Contents: State of the (Re)union: Florida in 2007? ▪ A Tale of Two Seasons: The Saga of the 1971 JHS Jayhawks Football Team, with reminiscences from Jimmy Rudy, Jeff Soukup, George Ploskas, Larry Goldstein, and other team members ▪ Boldface Nooz About Yooz: Bob Simon, Gerry Gaffen, Caren Kushner, Marna Ludwig, Carol Schatzberg ▪ And Now, for the Youngshters: progeny of Patty Ryon Spiers and Cherrie Fleischer Strauss ▪ Its Come to This: Youre Eligible to Join the AARP ▪ Cartoons by Dan Clurman ▪ Jer-Echo Archives: February 1972 S.A.M.s Jam reviewed by Michael Leshin ▪ The Future Hey, It Could Still Happen: The 1964-65 New York Worlds Fair ▪ Instamatic Moments: Pictures From Back When You Were Still Adorable: pint-size versions of Debbie Armstrong, Eileen Marder, Joyce Barry, Amy Lubow, Susan Lubow, Ellen Rader, Stuart Fishman, Steven Perlman, Andy Romanoff, Wanda Baskin, Mark Albin, Deborah Kaufman, many others ▪ profiles of four Jerichonians involved in professional sports: Randye Ringler, Andy Iskoe, Havey Fialkov, Howard Silber ▪ Six Degrees of Separation, Jericho Division: the JHS - Vanna White connection ▪ Your Back Pages: the world around you during fourth grade, 19631964. |
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Contents: Grace Under Pressure: Three Class Acts Talk About Coping With Cancer: Rachel Glickman, Luise Halberstadt, Elise Goldstein ▪ Reunion update ▪ Boldface Nooz About Yooz: Laurie Farber, Jane Altvater Duda, Patty Ryon Spiers, Stephen Spiers, Monica Wood ▪ And Now, for the Youngshters: progeny of Jimmy Rudy, Ira Katz and Mindy Wertheimer, Philip Bashe, Melanie Siegel, Eileen Marder, Karan Bunin ▪ Cartoons by Dan Clurman ▪ Jer-Echo Archives: January 1971 JHS, the Drug Haven? ▪ Faculty Lounge: Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Dolores Hoffman ▪ Your Back Pages: the world around you during eighth grade, 19671968. |
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Contents: "Love, Jericho Style": Jericho couples Patty Ryon and Stephen Spiers, Mindy Wertheimer and Ira Katz, Mike Esposito and Louise Rumpelt (1974), Luise Halberstadt and Jeff Linder (1970), Paul Martino and Mary-Anne Scro (1973), Debbie Landis and Marshall Goldman (1971), Dorene Kinberg and Stuart Mass (1971) ▪ Boldface Nooz About Yooz: Linda Caputo, Janet Penn, David Gustman, Michael Lewis, Bob Simon, Penny Schaefer, Andrea Celenza ▪ 2004 JHS Hall of Fame inductions ▪ Cartoons by Dan Clurman ▪ Jericho 11753 Exposed! Did you know that Jericho was home to several famous comic-book artists, including Joyce Barry's father and uncle? ▪ reunion update ▪ Six Degrees of Separation, Jericho Division: Eileen Marder, Leslie Axman ▪ You Oughta Be in Pictures: Robert Banner, Carol Sadowski ▪ Jer-Echo Archives: January 1971 - a S.A.M.'s Jam drug-fueled debacle ▪ Faculty Lounge: Ms. Estelle Stern and Ms. Barbara Murphy, authors ▪ Remembered Fondly: a tribute to those class members no longer with us ▪ Your Back Pages: the world around you during seventh grade, 19661967. |
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► Issue No. 4, Fall-Winter 2003-2004
Contents: Reunion news: Tracking down the JHS Class of 1972 ▪ Tracking down your teachers too, including updates on Ms. Lois Smith, Mrs. Joan Kingsley, and Mr. Ernest Savaglio ▪ Boldface Nooz About Yooz: Jim Greco, Bob Simon ▪ How to find a long-lost friend or relative on-line ▪ First Person Singular: Ilise Zimmerman A Career in Health Care Comes Full Circle ▪ First Person Singular: Cindy Rosenthals Second Act A Successful Actress Finds Fulfillment Teaching Her Craft ▪ Cartoons by Dan Clurman ▪ Name the Psychedelic Rock Band Contest ▪ Humor-esque: a New Yorker Magazine parody of an alumni newsletter not this one, though ▪ Your Back Pages: the world around during your sophomore year, 19691970. |
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Contents: Reunion news ▪ Boldface Nooz About Yooz: Laurie Farber, Caren Kushner, Doug Hoffman ▪ First Person Singular: Linda Appelbaum Out in the Open ▪ History of Jericho: Your Hometown Existed for a Long Time Before You Showed Up, Bub ▪ Six Degrees of Separation, Jericho Division: Sanford Sylvan, Henry Dinhofer (son of Michael Dinhofer and Jackie Stanger Dinhofer), Jane Altvater, Patty Ryon, Susan Pfriender ▪ Cartoons by Dan Clurman ▪ School Slop ▪ We're a Happy Family: family snapshots from Freda Salatino, Penny Schaefer, Debra Gelman, Philip Bashe, Kathy Milner, Carole Briedenbach, Cathy Kibel, Michael Leshin, Amy Lubow, Rael Reif, David Giber, Robert Banner ▪ Your Back Pages: the world around you during your junior year, 19701971. |
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Contents: Reunion news: results of the on-line vote selecting the site of our communal 50th birthday party ▪ Boldface Nooz About Yooz: Patty Ryon and Stephen Spiers get hitched! Also, Ilene Pincus, Laurie Farber, Sanford Sylvan, Philip Bashe ▪ 2003 JHS Hall of Fame inductions ▪ "Who Was Your Favorite Member of the Monkees?" a psychological profile ▪ "The Long Island I Miss," reprinted from Newsday ▪ First Person Singular: Marna Ludwig Moseson on parents, kids, and separation anxiety: your anxiety, not theirs ▪ First Person Singular: Freda Salatino -- "Why I Ride" ▪ Cartoons by Dan Clurman ▪ Kids Do the Darndest Things: progeny of Debbie Segal, Linda Caputo ▪ Test your skill and memory with the "Goin' to Mid-Island Plaza" game ▪ Your Back Pages: the world around you during your freshman year, 19681969. |
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Contents: Reunion news ▪ Jericho Then vs. Now: A Unique Perspective, by Debbi Nathel ▪ Boldface Nooz About Yooz: Arnold Tropper, Bob Simon, Gary Roney, Patty Ryon, Stephen Spiers ▪ Patty Ryon Spiers: Author! Author! ▪ Six Degrees of Separation, Jericho Division: Andy Romanoff, Howard Silber, Ken Kalb ▪ First Person Singular: Eileen Marder-Mirman Adventures Along the Healing Path ▪ First Person Singular: George Ploskas on living well with MS ▪ Poetry by Dan Clurman ▪ Woodstock III ▪ Modern Immaturity Magazine ▪ Caren Kushner Gottesman's Transatlantic Reunion ▪ Your Back Pages: the world around you during your senior year, 19711972. |
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