Below are the five
issues of the Jer-Echo published during our senior year. To read each
issue, simply click on each thumb-nail, or
go to the bottom of each page of the newsletter and click on "Next Page."
The last page of each issue contains a link for escorting you by the arm
back to the library. Don't try anything funny, Mister! To return here at any point, click "File" and "Close."
Thanks to Dale Krakow Rothfeld and
Barry Kornblum for cleaning out their closets and sending us their pristine
copies of the newspaper.
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The Jer-Echo staff
consisted of editor-in-chief Dan Clurman, Cindy Rosenthal, David Giber, Ross
Kaufman, Jay Shapiro, Gail Spiegel, Michael Leshin, Sue Finklestein, Michael
Sugarman, Howard Fiedler, Barry Kornblum, Benita Zahn, Alan Hamer, Jon
Hirsch, John Innelli, and Carol Sloane. Mr. Austin McKeen served as faculty