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"One of you jokers keyed our spacecraft in the parking lot, so we played a little prank ourselves, by replacing the mint jelly accompaniment to the baby lamb chops with green alien slime. What's it made of? Let's just say that being stuck on your planet gave some of us really, really bad allergies. Bon appetit! Foolish Earthlings! Awk! Awk! Awk!"


Photo by David Lutzker




 Benita Zahn Stulmaker ('72) and Peter Green ('73) both starred in several plays

 produced at Jericho, and both are still very much involved in community theater.

 Benita is a long-time TV news anchorwoman and health reporter for WNYT in

 Albany, New York, while Peter is a school social worker.






 Random crowd shot no. 1: Panning left to right are Jill Greenberg ('72), Mrs.

 Helen DeCollibus Amman, Mrs. Karen Schwartz, David Fiveson ('71), '72's

 Jon Greenberg (back to camera), Mr. Sy Faitell, and in back, far right,

 facing the camera, Mr. Ernest Savaglio.  






 Great picture of Luise Halberstadt Linder greeting Beverly Weissman Cogan Markson, and

 Debbi Nathel Kazan. All three are from the class of '72.



Photo by David Lutzker




 Howard Fain from the class of '73 came down from his home in Worcester,




Photo by David Lutzker



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