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Here is what some of you had to say about our 30-year reunion:



I think the reunion was a total success; the best one yet. At first I thought, Seven hours, that's such a long time. But then it happened, and I could have gone on for many more hours. (Of course, my husband didn't feel that way!) I didn't even get to talk to all that I wished I had. The picnic idea was really nice, as that allowed for deeper conversations with old friends. Also, I heard how Robbi Rodkin was tracked down. That's simply amazing! It was fantastic seeing an old friend after thirty years time.

─ Dotty Korosh Juell



Thanks so much for organizing the reunion.

It was a special night;

an absolutely marvelous affair.
— Ilise Zimmerman Posen


Please convey my thanks to all of you who had this great idea for the reunion and pulled it off. It was a great reunion and it was obvious that much planing went into this. Thanks for all the behind the scenes work. I'm so glad I was able to come. Sorry I missed the picnic.

— Erica Gees


I can't believe it's over ... all those e-mails, all that preparation. The event was fabulous. There are so many people I didn't have time to connect with. But I loved the party and the whole weekend (I flew in from St. Paul, Minnesota) and am so glad I decided to come! Can we do it again? How about a 35th?!

— Jill Harmon


Thank you so much for giving life to the reunion. I had a very good and positive experience and would have been at a great loss had I missed it. Everyone could not have been nicer.

— Rob Cohn





Just wanted to thank you and your colleagues for doing such an outstanding job at getting all of us together the other night. It was really a memorable evening. Thanks so much.

— (Mr.) Steve Piorkowski


What a wonderful weekend. Here it is Wednesday, and I still can't stop thinking and talking about what a good time we all had. It was a memory that will never be forgotten.

Debbi Nathel Kazan



Thank you for a wonderful evening! I am only sorry that the gym was so big that I didn't get around to seeing all the memorabilia. When is the next reunion? (I think yearly now would be a good idea :-D)

 — Debbie Gelman Krefsky


The reunion chatter has not died down yet. It really opened up the lines of communication for so many people, it really is mind boggling. I am currently in the throes of an e-mail frenzy with John Doogan, Jane Altvater, and Michael Visalli. Who would have thunk it?

Monica Wood Izzo


Greetings from rainy Windsor. England, that is. It has been a madhouse here, and I'm sorry not to have added my thanks for a wonderful weekend. It was great seeing everyone. Take care one and all.

— Robbi Rodkin Hunter




Right after the reunion, I got a call that my mom had passed away in Florida, so I flew to Florida the next morning. As tragic as it was, at the reunion, people kept telling me about my parents and the great parties we had, and how my home was a safe refuge for so many of my friends. I used those memories as part of the eulogy to honor my mother. She was a special lady and I was so very lucky to have her as a mom.

— Ilene Resnick Kruger


I was one of those on the fence until the last second, and I can honestly say I am so-ooo glad I came. I am still on a high from the night. Thanks for all the effort; it really was a spectacular evening.

— Patti Brand Scheinbaum





I am very grateful for the opportunity to connect with many old classmates. From those people with whom I had long conversations to those with whom we merely said hello and simply acknowledged a shared meaningful connection, it was a great experience, unparalleled in many ways to any other type of gathering I've been to.

 Michael Leshin


My cheekbones hurt from smiling so much ...

— Linda Robbins


Thank you for all of your efforts. Just wanted you to know a good time

was had by all.

— Linda Caputo Friedmann


It was a wonderful night. It brought home to me just how special and tight the class of 1972 really was.

— Karan Bunin Huss


Thank you for putting together such a successful reunion. I have to admit my reluctance in going, and if it wasn't for Debbie Gelman calling me every other day insisting that I go, I probably wouldn't have. I enjoyed seeing the familiar faces, and probably spoke to more people that night than all of my high school years. I guess times have changed us all. We all grew up a little, and hopefully realize what a gift life is, and that judging each other is not really what it's all about. (If only we knew back then!) Once again, thanks for a wonderful time.

— Carole Breidenbach King





I know you have received many thanks and expressions of appreciation since the reunion. I wanted to add just one more. I know how hard the committee worked to put this bash together. It was just perfect. Who cares about the servers? We feasted on good times, good conversation and unbelievable memories. It wasn't about reliving the past, it was about revisiting the past. Stay in touch, because blending our past and present helps us stay on track.

— Mickey (Michael) Osit


To all my high school friends and acquaintances who did not attend any of the festivities, you missed a great time. To those of you who I was able to reconnect with, thanks for the memories.

Marci Glickman Ross


To the reunion committee: It was a great party. You all did a great job. Thanks for all the work you put in to it; it showed. The picnic was fun too.

See you in five years.

— Kathy Ann Milner Hartwig



Thanks & congratulations on a job well done! It was fun to see everyone, and I know it took a lot of hard work & dedication. 

─ Cherrie Fleischer Strauss


I am very glad that I came. I did have fun, and I enjoyed seeing everyone — well, almost every- one. Maybe I'll even volunteer for the next committee.

— Lori Light


Cool, very cool. Too much to say, so all I'll say is this! I didn't speak with everyone there :( but everyone there was part of something very special :) God bless everyone for all the hard work they did and for all the "students" that didn't cut this class!! See you at the next one!

— ‘Ski (Tom Jendrzjewski)


After not seeing each other for 30 years until the reunion, Kenny Kalb and I ran into each other at the L.A. Lakers game last night. Never would have known him but for the reunion.

— Howard Silber



I want to tell you how fantastic this whole reunion organization has been. Tonight I spoke with Marion Lomurro; I don't think we've spoken in thirty years, and even tho' she can't make it next weekend, we have plans to get together in the fall when she'll be out in San Francisco for a professional conference. That never would've happened had it not been for the momentum building toward the gathering next weekend. So thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your incredible dedication and hard work!
— Elise Goldstein LaPaix


I'd like to say I had a great time this weekend! It was such a wonderful time seeing everybody once again. For the most part, everybody seemed very warm to each other; something not normally achieved thirty years ago. I do apologize for not getting to say hello to everybody. I will rectify that at the next reunion. I'm willing to bet that this was the best reunion that any class has ever had! I will always remember it fondly. Hopefully next time we can get the rest of the class that did not attend this time to come; this is a must. Everyone please have a wonderful and safe life, and please be careful in this screwed up world!

Love you all.

— Mark Russo



I had a fabulous time, and I will remember that reunion for the rest of my life. It was great seeing all of you; you all looked wonderful, too! Just wanted to share a few special thoughts myself:


Gail Spiegel, you looked fantastic, and it was great to see you! You are just as warm and wonderful as you were back then!


Bobbi Solomon, talking to you was one of my favorite things. Stay well and happy. You look beautiful. Are you sure you're 48??


Mickey Osit, you impressed me so much. I'm so glad you're happy and that life has been good to you.


Mark Paris, I had so much fun laughing with you while we were setting up the gym. Wish I had known you way back when.


George Ploska, you are absolutely gorgeous!


Phil Bashe, you're my hero.


Pam Wrona, you missed a great party!!


I went up to Miss Stern and said, "I loved writing haiku for you in creative writing!" and she handed me my homework from 1972, which was a page of haiku, not even yellowed, not even folded! It was the only thing she brought with her, and she had saved it all those years! Isn't that amazing?


Thanks for the memories, guys!

— Ilene S. Pincus



So, the long awaited, much anticipated 30-year reunion is now but a memory. Was is good? Was it great? Was it real? Like high school itself, I believe the reunion was what you made it. I was only sorry that I didn't and couldn't possibly say hello to everybody or spend more time with those whom I did have an opportunity to chat with. Nevertheless, here are some of my casual observations for those of you who care to read:


Phil Bashe deserves a medal, and if it were up to me I would erect a statue in his likeness and place it the parking lot near the gym. To Phil and your committee, we can't thank you enough.


Patti Brand - You could run for homecoming queen again tomorrow and probably win.


Jimmy Rudy - Dick Clark's got nothing on you; wish I could have spent more time but we'll get together again, I hope. I still can't believe you didn't recognize me. I haven't changed that much, have I?


Professor Cindy Rosenthal - You look and act the same; it’s amazing. What's your secret?


Jill Harmon - The years have been very kind to you. Congratulations on maintaining your look.


Lee Bloomrosen - Nice to see your nose finally healed.


Mickey Osit - You'd better call to follow-up.


Linda Appelbaum - If enthusiasm were money, you'd be a millionaire. 


Beth Flanders - Has anyone ever told you that you have a movie-star–like persona? No wonder you were the captain of the cheerleading squad.


Linda Robbins - You look mahvelous, absolutely mahvelous.


Gary Roney - You still have a great smile; no wonder you’re so successful.


Ilise Zimmerman - You’re a classy woman. And is it my imagination, or is your hair exactly the same as the last time I saw you 30 years ago?


Ira Katz - You're still a nice guy, but I did break my wrist two weeks before my Bar Mitzvah in your backyard.


Pam Shufer - You have not changed one bit.


Debbie Gelman - They were just jealous then, and they still are today.

Alan Lovler - Nice wheels.


Robert Banner - I miss those old softball games.


Alan Cohen - Thanks for not following through on your threat to call in another bomb scare.


Debbie Nathel - You're still a sweetheart, and you married a very charming man. Good match. No wonder your marriage has withstood the test of time.


Penny Schaefer - I know you had a good time!


Amy Harmon - Time heals all wounds, but it’s still interesting what we all remember.


Paul Martino - How many hours a day do you work out anyway?


Doug Hoffman - FYI, seeing you made Alan Cohen's night, in case you were interested.


Monica Wood - Thank you for reminding me about my inebriated past.


Carole Breidenbach - Wow, you have become quite the conversationalist. In H.S. you were always so shy; my, how times have changed you.


Ken Kalb - I wished I had gotten to the Maine Maid earlier and recognized who the hell you were. How's your brother Andy doin’?


Neil Martin - You looked good, Pal; sorry we didn't get a chance to reminisce old football stories. Spiers says hello.


Kathy Muller - Great seeing you; too bad about the dance.


Andrea Celenza - You are so cool. I told my sister I spoke to you, and she asked about Vinnie. I almost forgot that they were friends way back when. By the way, we were both right: Our class was special, and we all lived through some significant times together.


Elise Goldstein - We never did finish that conversation we barely started. Call me sometime or e-mail me, and we'll talk about the museum world.



Hey, everybody, let’s do it again next May 4th, just for the heck of it!

─ Mark Albin


OOF-AAA!!!!! I guess I missed a good thing!!!!! I've heard from a lot of people about what a great time everyone had. Sorry I missed it.

— Tom Monaco